Amidst debris scattered around a weathered IKEA table, two astronauts discover voicemail messages that speak of an abandoned far-off planet’s hopes and aspirations.

An open call to the world for voice messages that friends and strangers would want to send their younger selves formed the basis of this charming and highly idiosyncratic film. Inspired by LA based filmmaker Aleem Hossain’s fervent need to engage in dialogue with the outside world amidst the isolation and self-reflection of the COVID-19 lockdown, this hybrid, animated, documentary and science fiction experimental piece speaks to our eternal quest for connection across realms, as well as the mysterious germ of creativity and its life-saving grace.

Fiction, Comedy, Genre+Sci Fi, Nonfiction

Aleem Hossain
Aleem Hossain

Aleem Hossain is a writer-director whose creative work is shaped by his multi-racial background. His father is a Muslim from Bangladesh, and his mother grew up Catholic in New England. His feature film, AFTER WE LEAVE, won Best Film at Sci-Fi London and is now on Amazon Prime Video. Film Threat called it “a shining example of indie filmmaking at its finest.”

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Shorts Program: Fragmented Realities

World Premiere

Aleem Hossain

Aleem Hossain

Aleem Hossain

Aleem Hossain

Aleem Hossain

Hira Ismail, Nicholas Le