The confines of a small bathroom become an unlikely launchpad for expression for a repressed young man.
With economy of storytelling and an inventive use of space, director Salman Alam Khan speaks of crushing societal pressures and celebrates the beauty of raw emotion and unbound individual expression that will always find a way to gush out.

Salman Alam Khan
Salman Alam Khan is a photographer and filmmaker exploring cultural diversity, human rights, and social issues through fiction films and documentaries. He earned his degree in Media Studies from the University of the Punjab and has since established himself as a skilled cinematographer, writer, and director. He has earned accolades at various film festivals around the world and participated in projects like the documentary Never Out of Reach for CNA, the television series A Place Called Pakistan for TRT, and the 24-episode documentary series Allegory. He has written, directed, and shot multiple short films, including No Beloved, Four Fifty Five mL, and Out Beyond. Khan is currently a student at the New York Film Academy.